Domaines d'application
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Jardins d'enfants, aires de jeu et écoles
Whether in rainy autumn weather or on a bright sunny day: children need as many opportunities as possible to play outside or dream up castles in a sandbox.
When playing it is easy for children to overlook the center pole of a parasol. To prevent unnecessary tears from falling the impact protector, which is wrapped around the pole, absorbs the force reducing the risk of injury. Even the in-ground installation, which was especially designed for sandboxes, disappears deep beneath the sand also protecting the children from injury. Digging deep and playing under a parasol is possible without the danger of getting hurt or tripping.
Hôpitaux, maisons de retraite et centres médicalisés
The various kinds of gastronomy like cantinas and cafés are much more than just »places to still the hunger for larger groups«. Especially health and care institutions like hospitals, retirement and nursing homes not only offer a place to obtain affordable food and drinks, but are a valued place for talking and coming together. Patients and residents have the possibility to conduct important conversations or to surround themselves with people so they don’t have to spend their day alone. For these reasons, many institutions create additional spaces like outdoor areas with further seating facilities – making a visit or stay much more pleasant.
C’est la première impression qui compte. Et celle-ci vient non seulement de l’architecture, mais aussi de la terrasse extérieure avec ses éléments de décoration, tels que le grand parasol et le mobilier. Celle-ci reflète l’intérieur et donne une idée de ce qui distingue l’hôtel. Cette sensation positive peut se prolonger à l’intérieur – de la réception, aux chambres d’hôtel, jusqu’au restaurant, au bar et aux espaces de bien-être. Les grands parasols de Bahama soulignent ces exigences, par leur grande qualité, ainsi que par la beauté de leur forme et de leurs matériaux.